How to get a baby back to the breast
Getting a baby who is mostly bottle feeding back to the breast can take time and a strategic approach. Read this article to learn more

Expecting a baby and want to breastfeeding, but don't know if you can? You should read this...
A lot of mothers think that if breastfeeding does not just happen for them they are broken. But breastfeeding is a learnt skill, like swimm

What is the best breast pump?
Updated 9th November 2024 I wrote a version of this article when I started this business 8 years ago as a way to explain the differences...

10 ways (and more) dads and partners can support breastfeeding mums and newborns
Having a new baby can be very exciting but can also be daunting and exhausting. They might be small, but they require full time care –...

Understanding foremilk and hindmilk
Foremilk and hindmilk - the terms may strike fear in many parents. But is it really something to be so concerned about?

Handsfree expressing cups and wearable pumps
When I was exclusively expressing for my daughter in 2014 I spent countless hours scrolling through Facebook, Amazon, and Google trying...

Reflux, colic, and gas, oh my
As a mother, I can understand the anxiety an unsettled or crying baby can cause – before having my daughter, crying babies did not phase...

Expressing colostrum during pregnancy
At about 16 weeks gestation, your body starts making colostrum - learn more about expressing this colostrum antenatally (ie before birth)

Alternative methods to bottle-feeding
Using an artificial teat to feed a baby milk can cause nipple confusion and flow preference. Some babies can go between breast and bottle...

Increasing your milk production with a breast pump
Using an electric breast pump to increase your milk production can be very useful. However, some points need to be considered. First, we...