How to get a baby back to the breast
Getting a baby who is mostly bottle feeding back to the breast can take time and a strategic approach. Read this article to learn more
10 ways (and more) dads and partners can support breastfeeding mums and newborns
Having a new baby can be very exciting but can also be daunting and exhausting. They might be small, but they require full time care –...
Understanding foremilk and hindmilk
Foremilk and hindmilk - the terms may strike fear in many parents. But is it really something to be so concerned about?
Reflux, colic, and gas, oh my
As a mother, I can understand the anxiety an unsettled or crying baby can cause – before having my daughter, crying babies did not phase...
Expressing colostrum during pregnancy
I am often asked about expressing colostrum during pregnancy (AEC) - either because they have heard it is possible and would like to know...
Help! My milk goes away in the evening
I'm sorry if you have been lead to believe that there is something wrong with you. The truth is milk does not just disappear in the even
Is bottle feeding easier than breastfeeding?
Disclaimer – I am talking about babies born with no ongoing medical issues that may affect their ability to feed or energy requirements....
4 More Myths About Exclusive Expressing
I have had to add 4 more myths since reading an awful article on BabyGaga....I'm not going to link it, but suffice to say it is a load of...
Fed is not 'best', informed is
Of course you must feed your baby, and I really don't care how you feed your baby. But if you want to breastfeed please make sure you h