Expressing colostrum during pregnancy
I am often asked about expressing colostrum during pregnancy (AEC) - either because they have heard it is possible and would like to know...
The amazing placenta
In my opinion the placenta is an amazing organ - anyone who has ever taken a breath has done so because of a placenta. Yet, there are some
Why I won't be watching One Born Every Minute
Another popular Facebook post - When this show first started airing in the UK I was working in London in as a NICU nurse. I loved...
Stop the timer on mothers and babies
Please can we stop putting time limits on mothers and babies? When it comes to pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding our society is obsessed w
What is woman centred maternity care?
I have heard recently that rather than maternity services being described as 'woman-centred' they should be 'family-centred'. I tried...
"HypnoBirthing gave me strength"
Hi Justine, I didn't get the birth I was hoping for, but the hypnobirthing gave me the strength to get through a long first stage – I...
What birth needs now...
Having doctors on standby is a good thing, but routine intervention probably isn't. Stats show that perinatal deaths are not decreasing
What my work experience in Ghana taught me about giving birth
In December 2011 I spent 4 weeks working in Ghana. My first 2 weeks were spent on a labour and birth ward in a large regional hospital...
Why do HypnoBirthing®, Part 2
If you want to learn to play a sport, lose weight at the gym, or learn a musical instrument then you need a coach, personal trainer or teach
Why do HypnoBirthing®? Part 1
HypnoBirthing® was created by Marie Mongan in the early 1990's. She instinctively knew that labour and birth shouldn't be feared an