Why I won't be watching One Born Every Minute
Another popular Facebook post - When this show first started airing in the UK I was working in London in as a NICU nurse. I loved...

Stop the timer on mothers and babies
Please can we stop putting time limits on mothers and babies? When it comes to pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding our society is obsessed w

What is woman centred maternity care?
I have heard recently that rather than maternity services being described as 'woman-centred' they should be 'family-centred'. I tried...

"HypnoBirthing gave me strength"
Hi Justine, I didn't get the birth I was hoping for, but the hypnobirthing gave me the strength to get through a long first stage – I...

A due date is not an expiry date
The concept of a due date being 40 weeks from the first day of your menstrual period was 'invented' in the 1700's. Before that

What birth needs now...
Having doctors on standby is a good thing, but routine intervention probably isn't. Stats show that perinatal deaths are not decreasing

A positive birth story
A former HypnoBirthing mother shares her positive birth story....the midwife thought she was too calm to be in labour!

Is HypnoBirthing worth your money?
For most people, falling pregnant is a very exciting time. You wonder about this new little baby, will it be a boy or a girl, what will...

Make a fuss about birth trauma
In honour of World Birth Trauma Awareness Week I'm speaking out Females are so often told 'be a good girl', 'follow the rules', 'don't...