Cherished Parenting Services
This article was written by Perth Mum's Group
Pregnancy is an exciting stage of life, but it can also bring many fears and anxieties about labour, and feelings of being totally unprepared when it’s time to give birth. Mother, midwife, and NICU nurse Justine, owner of Cherished Parenting Services, has met many women who are fearful, unprepared for labour, or are simply unaware of their choices, and thankfully, she can help you prepare for this momentous act.

Image: Cherished Parenting Services
Cherished Parenting Services runs small group and private antenatal and HypnoBirthing® classes, meaning an intimate learning experience in how to prepare your body and mind during pregnancy. Services also include breastpump sale, hire, other breastfeeding/expressing products, advice, and delivery within the Perth metro area. Justine’s antenatal classes are strictly limited in size. This gives you and your partner the opportunity to ask questions and have your concerns heard. The information covered includes tips for late pregnancy, which routine tests and procedures to expect and why they are completed, and the signs of labour. She’ll also provide information about how to prepare for labour and birth and what to do, plus information for your partner, and what to do after birth, including initiating breastfeeding. Each of the four classes are designed to prepare you for birth as a positive and empowering experience, rather than a time of fear and uncertainty.

Image: Cherished Parenting Services
You may have heard of HypnoBirthing®. HypnoBirthing® - the Marie Mongan Method is an internationally recognised childbirth education program that has been shown to reduce intervention rates and lower adverse outcomes. Justine knows first hand the benefits of HypnoBirthing®, having used the techniques to birth her own daughter at home in 2014.
HypnoBirthing® combines evidence-based childbirth education with relaxation and breathing techniques, self-hypnosis, and positive imagery and affirmations. It can teach you the techniques you need to reduce fear, pain, and stress, and should be considered for a number of scenarios. These include overcoming fear about the birth, if you want a natural, drug-free birth, you want a vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC), or had a previous birth that was disappointing or even traumatic. HypnoBirthing® can also help your partner feel more involved in the birth process and provide information about the best way to support you.
Plus, as a midwife, Justine can answer just about any question you might have about pregnancy, labour, birth, and beyond. Cherished Parenting Services is also a stockist for some of the best breastfeeding and expressing products available. Justine became a stockist for the Spectra® breast pump, plus other brands such as Freemie®, Mamivac®, Pumpin Pals™, and Maymom®, after her own battles with breastfeeding and expressing breast milk for her daughter. She tried four different brands of pump (including two hospital grade) before seeing a huge difference in her milk supply with the Spectra® S2. She become a stockist for Freemie® and Mamivac® after finding these valuable products weren’t available from Australian-based companies.

Image: Cherished Parenting Services
As a result, Justine now gives women the opportunity to try Spectra® breastpumps before committing to buy. She also stocks the Freemie® Deluxe Kit, which is a totally hands-free milk collection system – imagine being able to hold your baby, play with older kids, work, clean or cook – all while you are pumping away! These kits are compatible with a number of well-known brands of pump. Justine can deliver these pumps to you and provide you with information on how to use them properly for maximum milk output. Pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding – these should be a wonderful time for you to bond with your baby, not a time for fear, anxiety or stress, but you just need the right information and a bit of help to overcome them. Contact Justine at Cherished Parenting Services and enjoy a better educated and more positive and empowering experience of childbirth and beyond.